Kodeco Forums

RxAndroid Tutorial

In this RxAndroid Tutorial learn how to make an app using Reactive Java and the Android bindings to provide a simpler and more flexible UI architecture.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/776-rxandroid-tutorial

Very nice tutorial, learned some good new stuff!

Thank you Artem. Learnt a great deal on Reactive Programming.

Thanks a lot @xiaojun ! :]

You’re welcome. Nice to hear Rx is getting more adepts :]

Awesome tutorial! Been waiting for an RxJava/RxAndroid one here. I particularly love how you explain the Observable diagrams, as even looking at and trying to understand those can be quite intimidating as a beginner.

Thank you! :] Yeah, diagrams for some operators are really complex. But when you learn to read them it really helps in reading the docs. Have you seen http://rxmarbles.com/ ?. It’s actually for RxJS not RxJava, but most operators are the same. For instance, RxMarbles: Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables

Very nice tutorial Thank you man.:+1:

1 Like

Can you please check project download’s link? By the way it is a nice tutorial :smiley: