PDF Image Is Not Visible

I am using HTML to create a PDF. When I preview my PDF the image is visible, but when I PDF the view the image is not visible. Does anyone have any suggestions?

let logoImageURL = “File_PDF@2x.png”
HTMLContent = HTMLContent.replacingOccurrences(of: “#LOGO_IMAGE#”, with: logoImageURL)

Hi @jport1130,
In the code above you are replacing the HTML content with an image.

A good way to do this is have a div and replace the contents of the div with the image. When and how is the HTML content previewed or converted into a PDF? Where is the image coming from? Resources or downloads? In a webview the images should be in the same location as the HTML to be able to access it or have a path that tells it where to find the image.

You will have to share more details to get help on this one.


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