Not understanding Chapter 6 page 162

On page 162 when creating an Animation, the book says:

With the middle keyframe still selected, go to the Inspector. Set Rotation to (-61, 0, 0) — now play the animation.

So are we setting the rotation on the BobbleEnemy-Head object?

Dear Scotts,

yes, you are setting the Rotation (around the x-Axis!) of the Alien Head - but you are doing this “over time” (the right would be: “over frames”). This means, at the start of the Animation the Head is vertical (0,0,0), in frame 0:5 it is rotated to the maximum value (here -61,0,0) and then from 0:5 till 0:10 rotates back again (0,0,0), since this was the start-rotation you gave the Alien-Head. Unity is interpolating the rotation between 0:0 and 0:5 and does the same way back from 0:5 to 0:10. As an example: in 0:2,5 the rotation is the half of -61 so -61/2 = -30,5 and the same in 0:7,5 (-30,5).

Hope this helped you to understand.

Greetings from Stuttgart,