Library or something automatic to getlocation

Im following the 3rd project
Is there an automatic lib to get the location automatically without thinking of all the possibilities written in the book

Is not it clear? Or what

@lifesound Can you please explain what are you looking for exactly when you get a chance? Thank you!

When Fahim illustrates UrlSession , he tell that there is almonfure as external library . Is there’s something like for geolocation!?

@lifesound Thanks very much for your question!

Apple provides CoreLocation which in all fairness provides the necessary methods you need to obtain a person’s location, as well as proximity to another point via its delegate methods.

Having said that, Alamofire is a very third party iOS library for networking, but bear in mind that it is not an ideal library to use when you’re doing standard networking. Are there third party tools to obtain GeoLocation data? I’m sure, but bear in mind, all of them, one way or the other, will have to use CoreLocation for them to function in the same way Alamofire uses URLSession to accomplish its tasks. For this reason, if someone is using Alamofire, they should be familiar with URLSession to understand what is happening behind the scenes. The other problem with using third party libraries (and I’m saying this as someone who has used both URLSession, and Alamfire), there is a learning curve for whichever library you choose to use, native or third party. This is not something you can avoid, so in all fairness it’s best that you focus on learning the native library. The other benefit with using a native library is that there is much more help, and support, as well as tutorials to show you how to use them. The native library may not be easy to work with, but then again, there is much more help available in case you get stuck. CoreLocation is not a very difficult library to work with either, so I wouldn’t be afraid of using it :slight_smile:

The other benefit of using the native library is that not all libraries are supported with future versions of iOS, which means you’ll have to choose another option if your library is no longer supported by either the original developer or by the community. You don’t run into this problem when using the native library.

I hope this helps!

All the best!

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