Just published by latest app, Snoosic. [promo codes inside]

Hi Everyone, super excited to share Snoosic - Music Sleep Timer, my latest app on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Snoosic allows you to listen to music or audiobooks from any app, then after a set time tailored to your needs, will pause the audio and put your device in sleep mode.

Download from the App Store - ‎Snoosic - Music Sleep Timer on the App Store

Promo codes:

  1. TK9E4M7PXXJ6
  2. 493H9LA3P6PJ
  3. 4XKE76LWAY7M
  5. 39F6LNLN3TW9

If you use any of the promo codes please comment the number you use so others don’t waste their time typing them in. Enjoy!

Development breakdown: The apps UI was all designed in Sketch and programmed using Swift and Xcode Storyboard. Snoosic took 3 days to design the UI and complete all the MVP programming. Then there was 3 weeks of friends beta testing while I was debugging and working on the app preview videos and screenshots for all 5 devices in iTunes Connect.

Hope you enjoy!

PS. Thanks Ray for all your amazing books on swift!

Thanks for the codes! Everyone, as you use a code please just drop a one-liner stating which code you used. Moderators can remove your message and cross out the codes in the original message.

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