Issue chapter 15

“Open a new Finder window by clicking on the Desktop and typing ⌘+N (or, by clicking the Finder icon in your dock, if you have one.). Then press ⌘+Shift+G (or, select Go → Go to Folder… from the menu), copy the Documents folder path from Xcode Console, and paste the full path to the Documents folder in the dialog. (Don’t include the file:// bit. The path starts with /Users/yourname/…)
The Finder window will go to that folder. Keep this window open so you can verify that the Checklists.plist file is actually created when you get to that part.”

Excerpt From: By Fahim Farook. “iOS Apprentice.” Apple Books.

Not getting the result I should. I have tried both " Documents folder is file:///Users/mike/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2F58811F-E635-4E76-8386-8F88F77490A1/data/Containers/Data/Application/B9462E58-8815-4391-B10D-F17E147EC994/Documents/

Data file path is file:///Users/mike/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2F58811F-E635-4E76-8386-8F88F77490A1/data/Containers/Data/Application/B9462E58-8815-4391-B10D-F17E147EC994/Documents/Checklists.plist



both came up with nothing

You need the / at the beginning.

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Thank you for the help @sgerrard

Still not working “/Users/mike/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2F58811F-E635-4E76-8386-8F88F77490A1/data/Containers/Data/Application/B9462E58-8815-4391-B10D-F17E147EC994/Documents/Checklists.plist”


@lac_ekim Do you still have issues with this?

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