Is the content in the books the same as the videos?

Do the books go more in-depth? Or is the content the same for books and video courses?


@plumdot Please let us know what books and video courses are you interested in knowing more about when you get a chance. Thank you!

Reading vs Watching: A matter of endless discussion since the time multimedia gained popularity on the internet. I love reading and like watching movies and TV series. I recently met someone who said that watching videos is more productive than reading books. Another person backed her by saying that reading books is old fashioned and a slower process; So we need a quick learning medium these days. After a long conversation, I accept that they made some valid arguments, So I planned to write an article describing and comparing both sides. In this article, I am comparing reading vs watching videos and then trying to explain its efficiency in different scenarios.

Please let us know what books and video courses are you interested in knowing more about when you get a chance.