iOS without storyboard?


I have seen alot videos about creating iOS app by using UI programmatically without using storyboard.
Will consider to release any book or course like that?
That will really helpful for people to get a job.



@anthonycoi Thank you for your suggestion - much appreciated! I will definitely forward it to our tutorial team. Thanks again! :]

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Hi @anthonycoi,
In Agile development, most would reccommed the use of Storyboards in contrast to generating UI’s programmatically. So, just ensure that when you are looking for a job, that you have the right skill set and techniques.


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Thank you for your answer.

I think we should know more about programming interface for iOS app. Because if working in a team it would be very beneficial. In addition, the creation of the interface through the Storyboard via raywenderlich’s guide is too full. I only hope to have more resources to expand my knowledge, if I do not want to create a programming interface, I can create an interface through a storyboard, and vice versa. Because I can not find any such instruction, I mean if it can be considered, it will bring a lot of useful knowledge to the learner.

@anthonycoi Thanks very much for your question!

Like most things, there is no silver bullet. While Apple recommends using Storyboards, there are some disadvantages to using Storyboards and xib files:

  1. Dealing with Git conflicts on a team
  2. Using IB as a crutch to resolve Auto Layout issues without fully understanding what is happening.
  3. Allowing a storyboard to hold too many View Controllers

Many companies are transitioning to using code, and eliminating storyboards/xib files altogether. The fact is, Apple does provide the code to allow you to do use it as an alternative, despite not being Apple’s recommended choice. The other advantage/benefit of using code exclusively is that it forces the developer to have a thorough understanding of the UI, and thus stronger Swift/iOS skills. Another advantage of course is via trouble shooting, as a developer, you are now able to identify and pinpoint UI errors to lines of code, and thus use better precision to correct these issues.

I do agree that tutorials that use a code only approach would be useful, and in the mean time what I would recommend is starting off on your own slowly by working with smaller UI elements, and see if you can implement something like a full fledged UITableView exclusively in code. I don’t believe this would be hard to do because there are enough tutorials, books, and courses available that show you how to do this. :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!

All the best!


To add to that, it easy to do dependency injection without storyboard. Using Xib, and manual is fine. I have done fair amount of custom views using programatically. And if you are preparing your own view controller, you need to over rider loadView method, assign root view property. For programatically you need to be good in autolayout APIs, which support is much better now.
Also placing views using frame and bounds can help, when you really need a high performing code, since it is faster than autolayout.

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Hi @syedfa, I guess the industries at the two ends of the world (Canada and Australia) have a totally different outlook :wink:

While you have a valid point that storyboards do not do well with Git commits, that’s where Apple introduced storyboard references to overcome this and the other issue of storyboards becoming too large and unmanageable.

The trends come and go, it all depends on the tech leads that run the development. In many cases these days, people are moving towards React, ReactNative and so on. One day we might be back to WebView * shudder* (flutter is being considered as a serious contender in enterprises, so image that)


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