iOS Design Patterns - Part 4: MVVM | Ray Wenderlich

Which solid principals does MVVM follow?
Can you please help me understand?

@jrg.developer Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Design patterns generally follow all of the SOLID principles. That is, SOLID is a set of principles that “well-designed” systems typically exhibit.

This doesn’t mean that you always will or should follow every SOLID principles. Sometimes you do break them (e.g. the factory design pattern intentionally breaks open-closed principle so the rest of the system can follow it).

Hence, MVVM generally follows all of the SOLID principles, but this doesn’t mean you won’t bend or break these principles at times.

If you’re not familiar with SOLID, I highly recommend reading Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship .