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iOS Apprentice Updated for Swift 3 & iOS 10

We're excited to announce the release of iOS Apprentice, Fifth Edition, as part of the iOS 10 Feast!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/951-ios-apprentice-updated-for-swift-3-ios-10

Feedback regarding iOS_Apprentice_1_Getting_Started_v5.0.pdf

For some reason Your Page 4 is missing. So when I said “Go to Page 120” in Preview. I was taken to your Page 121.

Your Page 118. When typing in the following, I made the mistake of typing both as setMinimumTrackImage. Might be useful to add a paragraph about what slider.setMinimumTrackImage and slider.setMaximumTrackImage mean.

let trackLeftImage = UIImage(named: "SliderTrackLeft")!
let trackLeftResizable =
                 trackLeftImage.resizableImage(withCapInsets: insets)
slider.setMinimumTrackImage(trackLeftResizable, for: .normal)
let trackRightImage = UIImage(named: "SliderTrackRight")!
let trackRightResizable =
                 trackRightImage.resizableImage(withCapInsets: insets)
slider.setMaximumTrackImage(trackRightResizable, for: .normal)

Your Page 120: "Using a web view for HTML content” needs to be moved down two paragraphs. Also feels like a descriptive paragraph is missing.

Your Page 135: "change the Background color of the container view to Clear Color”. I don’t see a “Clear Color” but changed it to “Default” seems to have the desired affect.

Your Page 136: Observation: Interesting that it is centered in the iPhone 7 Plus simulator but in the upper-lefthand corner in Preview in Xcode.

Your Page 139: Default-568h@2x.png I guess this works because of a magic file name? Don’t understand how it fixes the letter-boxing we saw earlier. Replaces them? Causes bounds to change?

Your Page 139: I can’t get the Crossfade to work. Copied your code even. (Did a diff with the “07 - Final App” version of the file and see the code is the same as well). Also ran "07 - Final App” and don’t see a difference either (wiped simulator even). Changed transition.duration to 100 and saw no affect.

XCode Version 8.0 (8A218a)
Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555)

I heard back from the author and so I’ll update my own post.

Regarding the page number issue - I suspect a “remove blank pages” type setting is to blame.

Regarding Clear Color. I missed it, ugh. I’ve looked at that dropdown dozens of times. NOW I see it.

Regarding crossfade. Works for the author; he suggested I run on physical device. I got the "08 - Final App with Comments” project working on my phone and even changed "transition.duration = 10” but I’m still not seeing it. Maybe I’m blind to it like Clear Color - LOL. Also, because my phone was on 10.1 (14B72c) I had to update Xcode to Version 8.1 (8B62). I was trying to avoid it but because I had moved the phone to the latest OS I couldn’t upload.