iOS 11 Screencasts: What's New in Foundation - | Ray Wenderlich

In the past working with JSON meant using either NSJSONSerialization class or a third party library. Now it's a matter of implementing a simple protocol.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi Brian
As always, thank you for the videos. :blush:

I have a query.
While decoding json from the NewsAPI I am trying to decode ā€œurlsToLogoā€.
I am successful if I am using
var urlsToLogos: [String : String] = [:]
But what if the values in the dictionary are of varying data types.
var urlsToLogos: [String : Any] = [:] //throws compiler error, doesnā€™t conform to protocol Decodable


@vegetarianzombie @bdmoakley Can you please help with this one when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

I believe Any is not supported for this protocol.

Thanks so much! Iā€™m glad you like the videos. Do you mind posting the code in context? I have some ideas but Iā€™d like to see what you are doing first. Thanks!

Hi Brian
Thanks for the response.

What i did is that i parsed the ā€˜urlsToLogosā€™ array as well which we know from the json is of type [String: String].
In the Sources.swift file I added ā€˜let urlsToLogos: [String:String]ā€™ in the class and ā€˜case urlsToLogosā€™ in CodingKeys enum. The parser is working fine. There is absolutely no issue with that. But if i am changing ā€˜urlsToLogosā€™ type to [String, Any], I am getting a compile time error.
Please do have a look.

When parsing JSON, there are a few types that are supported out of the box. That is, they already support the codable protocol. JSON supports a limited amount of types and will naturally map to these types.

The Any type doesnā€™t support JSON parsing. Itā€™s not meant to. If you used Any, that means youā€™d be back to casting your JSON derived objects. This was the major pain point in working with JSON.

To learn more info about JSON, check out this article here:

Also, we have video courses on JSON that dive deeper into the topic to give better clarity:

I hope that helps!

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