Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

Hello, I am most interested in the Vapor book

I really hope to get a copy of the Push Notifications book. It looks so cool!

I want to learn all of them.

It has to be Machine Learning by Tutorials. ML builds the future.

Advanced App Architecture!! There must be a better way to organize code :slight_smile:

I’ve bought the Vapor and WatchOS books and they’re killer! Thanks for the incredible content RW team.

I am interested in data structures and algorithms and Arkit

I would love to go through Metal by Tutorials.

Design Patterns by Tutorials, Second Edition

Please please work on CLEAN SWIFT.

I am a little white who just got started. You have a lot of books and don’t know which one to start with. I hope you recommend a medium-sized one. Thank you.

@xiaoqiang You can start with the Swift Apprentice to learn Swift and then move on to the iOS Apprentice to learn how to make iOS apps.

Thank you very much for replying to me, but this chapter of this website is a bit expensive for me. Is there a special offer?

@xiaoqiang We will have some special offers later on this year so stay tuned! :]