Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

I’d like to get the ML by tutorials book!

Definitely Push Notifications by Tutorials is something that I want to study. Few days ago I did a job interview I was asked about the flow of these notifications. I felt embarrassed becase my answer was so poor. :sleepy:

I like Advanced iOS App Architecture :smile:

Looking forward to Machine Learning by Tutorials and will definitely invest in the Launch Party bundle.

Lookfing forward to Advanced iOS App Architecture

Awesome giveaway! I’d most like to hone my iOS development skills with the Advanced App Architecture book :slight_smile:

I’d like to read the Advanced iOS App Architecture book

Push Notifications for the win!

I like Push Notifications by Tutorials book. And Advanced iOS App Architecture.

Design Patterns by Tutorials looks really nice.

I’m interested in ARKit 2 and Design Patterns by Tutorials.

Thanks for all the great content!

My wish list!

  • Machine Learning by Tutorials (digital)
  • Advanced iOS App Architecture (digital)
  • Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, Third Edition (digital)

As usual, all these books are great resources! In particular, I’m looking forward to the Machine Learning, Push Notifications and Core Data titles.

I’m looking forward to Advanced iOS App Architecture book, I would like to expand my knowledge on this topic.

Hi, why iOS App Architecture book has so close list of topics to Design Patterns book?

I’m so exited for the new Machine Learning by Tutorials, but also, for the other’s books, I will prepare amazing apps thanks to the Ray Wenderlich and Teams and for their amazing tutorials, books and videos :slight_smile:

@krissense Gah! Seems the wrong TOC is referenced in the Bundle page. Thanks for the tip - we’ve corrected this!

@chrisrazeware Great! Now I’m exciting even more!

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Looking forward to the Push Notifications by Tutorials

I am mostly interested in Advanced iOS App Architecture, Design Patterns and Machine Learning!