Introducing the Android Avalanche!

I’m a senior iOS Developer but I want to be the best mobile developer I can. To do that, need to learn how to develop for Android devices.

It’s nice :slight_smile: A good iOS developer must have android skills

I’m teaching Android for beginners in a class and I also wrote Android related tutorials.

I would like to upgrade my knowledge from Java to Kotlin in Android using Raywenderlich new books, courses, and screencasts so that I can teach students and write tutorials with Kotlin instead of Java in the future.

“Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?”

Because I’m confident can make learning Android not suck.

I hated pretty much everything about working with Android when I tried it in the past (Java, Eclipse, useless emulators, dumb clunky workflow, fragmented OS & API versions, etc), so I focused on iOS instead.

I have been hearing good things about Kotlin though … and IntelliJ / Android Studio are a huge improvement over Eclipse (even if emulators are still confusing and slow). Maybe it’s time to give it another shot …

I’ve learned a ton about iOS from your books & tutorials over the years. I know & like your approach, I trust your products and service, and I have a good idea what to expect. So, I shall learn me a Kotlin from RW!

… But first I’ll wait to see if I can do so for free, though I doubt it :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody needs to learn Android programming these days and Kotlin is a fine way to do this. I really like your change of platform because an app needs to be build for Ios and Android otherwise it won’t be succesfull and you guys certainly know how to teach people to do this the best way :grin:

I’m an iOS and Android Kotlin developer, instructor, and author. Ray Wenderlich provides the gold standard for iOS instruction and now for Kotlin & Android, it’s one of the best places to level up your skills. Most other books and courses assume you are either an experienced Java developer or experienced Android developer.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I’ve been an iOS developer for some years and want to know both platforms. I’m attending my first RWDevcon because of the Android for iOS developer talks!

Oh, this is really exciting! I’ve been learning Kotlin on my own and have gotten stuck because I can never figure out where to go next. Pumped for the avalanche!

I’m an iOS developer with some Android experience but I would like to get a more rounded education on model Android development using Kotlin. I would also like to test this out on migrating a current app I have on the iOS app store to the Google Play store.

After learning loads from the iOS books it would be great to look at other programming options in the mobile space.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I am a self taught iOS engineer and more than excited to pick up Android as a second language. Based on great resources you guys have, it’s gonna be fun!

I would love to port my apps to Android without having to use terrible cross-platform solutions. I have tried to learn Android in the past, but I lose steam with it when it is not taught properly. I already know that I love the Ray Wenderlich teaching style so I’ll finally be able to learn Android.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I have this on my learning list since a very long time now! I started iOS development with this site and I could not imagine a better place to get started in Android too now :] I don’t think I would be an iOS dev (or even a developer in general) without… Thank you very much @rwenderlich

Looking forward building great apps to help me and others :slight_smile:
Thanks for making great material on Android & iOS topics!!!

Expanding my skill set, learning new things and supporting the amazing content from the RW team is always on my bucket list! (:

Long time reader who hasn’t developed for Android for a while. Would love to get started again using Kotlin!

I’ve been looking for a way to get started in Android. I just joined the RayWenderlich site, and I love the iOS video tutorials, but was a little disappointed that the Android tutorials/videos were a bit sparse by comparison. Thanks for going the extra mile on this one! Your site beats the other mobile platform tutorial sites out there by a long shot.

Never, ever, stop learning!

Always wanted to dive into Android programming… This is probably the best time with the launch of these books. :slight_smile:

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I want to improve my skill and learn Android to get more opportunities in the future. So I can put Mobile App Developer in my job title (unlike now, only iOS Developer)