Introducing the Android Avalanche!

Improve my skills in Android Development (I am iOS developer with some knowledge of Android development)

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

Never stop learning! Hope to get lucky super package! :laughing:

I am a Java Backend developer and would love to get some guided insights into the android / Kotlin world. On the one hand it would be really helpful at work and on the other side I always wanted to gain skills on Android.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I Loved a lot the perfection of iOS Books and videos, can’t wait to get such quality materials on Android. I was waiting for this since long time and every time I wished Raywenderlich release android course. My wish is heard can’t wait to dive deep.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

I’ve been an iOS developer for over six years now and I’ve been using since I started. Between StackOverflow and the tutorials on this website I’m always able to get answers to my questions and learn new things. This website is a resource I recommend to others regularly. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed several of the iOS books that I’ve purchased and I can’t wait to obtain some of the Android books. I’ve only ever toyed with Android development but I want to take skill to the next level! Super Saiyan 2! And it’d be nice to add a few more books to my library for free.

This site helped me with iOS.
My work requires Android also. I am certain this site will help me out.

I love technology and i love learning new ones

I work as a mobile software developer and every single day I want to improve my skills. I think Android Avalanche could be one of the ways to achieve this.

iOS Apprentice and Swift Apprentice have been great gateway books for me and my team. I expect that Android Apprentice and Kotlin Apprentice will be of the same high quality and hands-on tutorials that Ray and team are known for.

Because Android still have a huge share in the smartphone market and as a developers we can’t ignore that even if we are an iOS fans

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

Because I wish to expand my knowledge and develop Android apps, along with iOS apps, and to learn the Kotlin language as well. It is still a new language and every resource on it is precious. Thank you to Wenderlich team for being so dedicated in helping others learn new skills!

I’ve been postponing looking into Android dev seriously for years now.
With Kotlin it seems like the perfect time to finally do so.
With this Android Avalanche focusing on Kotlin, will definitely become the reference site for Android developers as it’s been the case for iOS devs for many years now!

What about course on publishing to Google Play Store? Surely you must have that lined up as well.

We absolutely do, William! A Publishing to the Play Store video course is in production and should be out in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, we cover publishing to the Play Store in detail in Section VI of the Android Apprentice book. Check it out. Thanks for the question! :]

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?

You did such an epic job of teaching iOS to the world, it would be great if the same love went into Android :slight_smile:

p.s I would love to know more about Flutter

I’m an iOS developer who’s been trying to break into Android development for the longest time. But the cumbersome usage of Java always hindered my progress. I’m really excited to try again with the new language, Kotlin.

Love the new languages with simple syntax. Swift is my preffered language but I’d love to learn Kotlin.

Why are you interested in our new Android books, courses, and screencasts?
One year ago I created this post on the forum and finally the dream come true!!!
I’m sure that now with this new videos and books I can create also the Android app.
Thank you guys for the great job

I hope that Avalanche will make me roll down with Android!

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