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Internationalization Tutorial for iOS [2014 Edition]

Learn how to localize your app into different languages in this localization tutorial.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.raywenderlich.com/64401/internationalization-tutorial-for-ios-2014

I have committed some kinda mistake in uploading an iOS app, which makes my app show the languages as English and German on AppStore. Can anybody guess my mistake?

The scenario is that I have set the “Localization native development region” key in (info.plist of target) to Germany, while my app is actually an English app(for all territories). But I am not confirmed that changing this key to US, can change the Appstore language of app to only to English.

Besides this I have also set the language in Localizations in the( info of Project) to:

  1. English - Development Language
  2. German

What changes should I do in the settings so that on releasing the app it will show the languages on App Store as only English?

how to use internalization in my app in objective c please suggest me ???

Languages are defined by the language of the device, however if you have built the application without localization support it will only show up in the built language. However bear in mind certain components auto inherit the devices language so even though the texts maybe in english you may see that things like the date formatters are in the correct language for the the device if you are using the standard date formatter.

It should be pretty much the same thing to use the Localization for objective c as swift as they are comparable. However I found that it was quite difficult taking this localization in app so wrote a free to use library that is in cocoapods called LocalizationKit that will do all of the hardwork for you. You can see it here. However if you want to try doing it in pure Objective C I would follow the tutorial but change the steps in swift code to the objective c variant.

Could you update the article with the usage of the Xcode 9 new features?

This tutorial is more than six months old, so questions regarding it are no longer supported for the moment. We will update it as soon as possible. Thank you! :]