In-App Purchases · Challenge: Testing on a Device |

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Apple appears to no longer allow “+” to be used in sandboxed tester’s email. Any other ways to multiplex email addresses, or do we have to spam google accounts?

To make the app run without crashing, I had to wrap the calls to self?.tableView.reloadData() and self?.refreshControl.endRefreshing in requestAllProducts() in MainViewController.swift in DispatchQueue.main.async blocks.

One other error worth noting: when you ran the app, you didn’t see CouchOwl because you had a typo in the identifier when you created the list (CouchOwn instead of CouchOwl).

@bdmoakley Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Thanks for the heads up!