I cannot open all the playground files

All the playground files in version 3.0 cannot be open, it says: The document “playground.xcworkspace” cound not be opened.

@ys_xs Thanks very much for your question!

What version of macOS and Xcode are you using?

maxOS Big Sur 11.6 and XCode 13.0

Attempting to open ANY playground from the 3.0 version of the code, previously downloaded as a ZIP from GitHub, results in the following error: “Couldn’t load settings from contents.xcplayground”.

This is using Xcode 13.0 (13A233) on macOS Big Sur 11.6.

There is no problem opening playgrounds from the 2.0 version of the code.

UPDATE: I downloaded the ZIP again and things work, so not sure what happened. However, the problem persists with the playgrounds in the 02-publishers-and-subjects folder (as far as I can tell, so maybe best to try opening every playground and fix those that cannot be opened).

Same problem here, just cloned the respository and the starter playground (02-publishers-and-subjects) can’t be opened Couldn’t load settings from contents.xcplayground

Ok I got it, just ignore this folder, since does not match any chapter in the book.

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@freak4pc did an old version of the chapter 2 folder got merged by mistake in edition 3.0? :point_up_2:t3:

Thanks for saving my time here.