How Much will iOS and Swift Video Path Change with SwiftUI?


I just finished the first section of the iOS path online. I am excited to move to the next sections, but am a bit nervous as iOS 13 is weeks away from release. I am expecting changes with SwiftUI to the course, but will they be significant? Will it be worth waiting a bit to continue the course?


Good news - we just released a SwiftUI version of the 1st course in our learning path today!

But to answer your question - if you’re new to iOS development, we recommend you learn BOTH SwiftUI and UIKit. This is because although SwiftUI is the future, most companies will still be using UIKit for at least the next few years so to be effective you really need to understand both.

So our recommendation is to watch the current version of our learning path to learn UIKit, and then the updated version of our learning path (where the first part just came out today) to learn SwiftUI. So I wouldn’t recommend waiting for anything - just keep on going learning UIKit as you still need to learn it, and then watch the SwiftUI courses as they are released in the coming months.

I hope this answers your question - let me know if you have any more!

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