Google Maps iOS SDK Tutorial: Getting Started |

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Google Maps iOS SDK to make an app that searches for nearby places to eat, drink or shop for groceries.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello Ron, should we use this url ( in google maps ios sdk for directions between 2 locations?

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@ron.kliffer Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]


You can read about the Google Directions API at: The Directions API demo  |  Google Developers

I would really like to see this tutorial with SwitfUI.

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@rouviere Thank you for your suggestion - much appreciated! I will forward it to the tutorial team.

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I second this. This would be a huge help.

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Hi, is it just me or is it that the icons that pop up on the map will only be the icon of the first selected type in the table view controller. For example, if I select Cafe and Supermarket, only Cafe icons (and locations) will appear, completely ignoring that Supermarket was also selected.

I have downloaded the material and when i build and run the project, it asks for my current location. I give my permission access but it display UK and then USA location although i belong to Asian country. It’s not picking up my current location.

In case anyone else notices this bug, the Google Places API docs say that you can only pass in one type per query, and if you pass in multiple, only the first one will be used and the rest ignored.