For The Flutter Apprentice - My small tit bit of discovery

Hi there fellow Flutter Apprentice’s, I have come across something I feel I should share (the more experienced Flutter’ers I am sure will either recommend this in the commentary, so I guess wait until there is a heart or 10 on this insert before you do… Here it goes:

After completing the Flutter Apprentice <Chapter 3>

There is the " Where to go from here?" section with this insert & link:
“Fortunately, the Flutter team created a Widget UI component library that shows how each widget works! Check it out here:”
What you will find there will in a quick UI / UX view really show you something awesome…

but wait… after going through everything (which you should) click on the link at the bottom of the page that Says “About Flutter Gallery” and if you as eager and curious about Flutter as I am you will click on the GitHub link… which…

If you go read the section you will see a simple way to upgrade your Flutter SDK (local) library. :tada: :v:

Now as I mentioned right at the beginning - I would wait for a more experienced Flutter’er to approve this insert by clicking on the :heart: or comment.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.