Flutter Navigator 2.0 and Deep Links | raywenderlich.com

With Flutter’s Navigator 2.0, learn how to handle deep links in Flutter and gain the ultimate navigation control for your app.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/19457817-flutter-navigator-2-0-and-deep-links

Unlike Navigator 1.0, which uses an imperative style of programming, Navigator 2.0 uses a declarative style.

And in the end:

final delegate = Get.find<ShoppingRouterDelegate>();
onPressed: () => delegate.push(CreateAccountPageConfig),

How is this declarative? It’s the same imperative API as we have in Navigator 1.0. Instead, you should have an app state, and you should change the state, not push routes imperatively. The UI should not have a link to RouterDelegate, it doesn’t feel right. The official example and corresponding design documents for Navigator 2.0 say it all.

Indeed this doesn’t maintain state after reload as the official example does, Learning Flutter’s new navigation and routing system | by John Ryan | Flutter | Medium

But why are the transitions not working(i mean animations)?

I think that the //3 block in the parseRouteInformation method should be:

final path = '/' + uri.pathSegments[0];

You are correct. I’m going to work on an update to the article and fix a few items.

Hello, where is the back arrow icon created? I can’t seem to find it in the source code.

If you look at the AppBar class you will see this comment:
“If there’s no [Drawer] and the parent [Navigator] can go back, the [AppBar]
will use a [BackButton] that calls [Navigator.maybePop].”

Hi! I investigated why transition animations didn’t work. You should remove this line from ShoppingRouterDelegate

GlobalKey get navigatorKey => GlobalKey();

and add these lines instead

final GlobalKey navigatorKey;

ShoppingRouterDelegate() : navigatorKey = GlobalKey();

Wow, this is fantastic. I’ve been researching this but haven’t found a solution yet. This looks like the old code recreates the navigator key, right? This code came from the official Google Doc on Navigator 2.0. Just tested and it works

Yes! Every “get” call we create a new GlobalKey.

GlobalKey get navigatorKey => GlobalKey();

Second part for new flutter users. I think it could be done something like this, if you want to override “get navigatorKey” from PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin like IDE suggests(in my case)

final GlobalKey _navigatorKey = GlobalKey();
GlobalKey get navigatorKey => _navigatorKey;

Hi kevindmoore
In your demo, I see back button on browser is not synchronized, it is enable when I press back to Splash.
My step

  • Click Login
  • Click item 0
  • Click Add to cart
  • Click back button on browser
  • Click back button on browser → Splash will display button and back button on browser is still enable
    Expect: back button on browser is disable.
    Please help me for this case.

Thanks for your response. I’m in the process of updating the article and should have a fix soon.

Would you be will to review an updated version that uses a more declarative style?

I didn’t notice what was changed in the updated version. :slight_smile: The code samples still feel like there is a lot of “pushes” to the navigator, instead of modifying the state. For example, if we click on a deeplink, we parse its content, get the entity ID, then instead of pushing the new route with this information we just change the state. The router should receive a notification, that the entity details are available and update its routes correspondingly.

I think your approach is also valid, but I would prefer another approach when the widgets are not required to have a link to the router. Basically, we just need an intermediate layer between the widgets and the router. This layer is basically a state. I think this little change will make the router more declarative.

So, I haven’t changed anything yet. I’ve got a re-written app that works like this:
I have an AppState class that holds state for my app. It has items like logged in state and actions for going to other screens. The router listens for changes and reacts to those changes. I’ve totally removed the Get package and don’t share the router now. (Again, I haven’t updated the article yet)

Ok. Everyone. I’ve updated the article and projects to be more declarative. I also fixed the transition problems. Have a look!

Hi kevindmoore
In your article, it has a bug.

  1. Click Add to cart
  2. Click back button on browser
    ===> Display blank page.
    Can you fix this bug?

I updated the article and code to work in the browser.

@kevindmoore Could you update the code for the project? I couldn’t find many things that were mentioned in the article in the final version. For example there was no “setSplashFinished() method”