Errata for Core Data by Tutorials v2.2

Hello here!
In chapter 2 “Chapter 2 NSManagedObject Subclasses” in section “Propagating a managed context” in source code
you convert UIImage into NSData by UIImagePNGRepresentation()

let imageName = btDict["imageName"] as? String
let image = UIImage(named: imageName!)
let photoData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image!)!

Unfortunately UIImagePNGRepresentation is deprecated.

let photoData = image!.pngData()!

Thank you for your work!

@nosov Thank you for the heads up - much appreciated! We will fix these in the next edition.

V5.0 seems to have lost the chapter links/ToC on the pdf version.

Thanks @linasses, we’re working to correct all of the editions released last year that are missing linked TOCs. I’ll update this thread when it’s been corrected and republished!