Drawing in iOS - Part 6: Basic Animation | Ray Wenderlich Videos

Learn how to control CAShapeLayer animation

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4659-drawing-in-ios/lessons/6

Hi Ma’am!
Thanks for the great course like this. How we get the keyPath/key names and you use animation name “stroke”, so how to know those values generally to use in KVO functionalities.


@abnboys - I don’t know of a single apple documentation reference for these. In the documentation, properties are marked with Animatable.

For example: Apple Developer Documentation - scroll down to fillColor. It’s marked Animatable in the description.

In the archived documentation there’s the CALayer properties: Animatable Properties
but these don’t include CAShapeLayer properties.

Some kind person has put up a useful list on stackoverflow: core animation - What is the full Keypath list for CABasicAnimation? - Stack Overflow