DidSelectRowAtIndexPath. Not working

Did select Cell not working

Can someone tell me why this is not working please.

Hi @hcri50,
You have not set the delegate for the tableView to handler.



and if I may give you a suggestion, create a init function in Handler that lets you set the relevant stuff to tableView, like

class Handler : NSobject, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {

 init(withTable table: UITableView) {
  table.delegate = self 
  table.dataSource = self 

// Setup all your other functions here

Now, you can call handler and be sure that everything is setup properly. In fact you can also add a data array and a cellType so that you can have a more useful re-usable class than what you have right now.



FIRST OF ALL, Thank you for your prompt reply. Sadly, I did copy and paste what you wrote and I am coming up with a NSObject Error. And I resolved the problem by setting the delegate this way.

class ViewController: UIViewController {
var handler: Handler!

@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
    handler = Handler()
    tableView.dataSource = handler
    tableView.delegate = handler

Now I got my didselectcell working.
IF you are curious, download my code and add the code that you wrote and you will see why it did not work.

Hi @hcri50,
Glad it worked out for you. The error was the typo on my part, the code above reads NSobject, where as it should be NSObject - easy fix. However, if you got things working, that’s cool.



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