Despite looking correct in Interface Builder, when run in the simulator, everything is off-center

Despite having followed all instructions in the video and looking correct in Interface Builder, when I run the app in the simulator, everything is slightly off-center (towards the left). I can’t figure out why this is despite troubleshooting. Any ideas or suggestions as to why would be super helpful!

Hi @wu-tangzak,
it is unfortunate that you face that issue, but no one can help if they cannot see where in your code/UI there is a problem.

I would recommend that you try creating the UI once again and ensure that you have not missed any step.


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Hi @wu-tangzak, another idea could be to adjust the constraints slightly towards the right and see if they help with the positioning.


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Hi @gdelarosa, that is assuming that @wu-tangzak has constraints. One possibility could be that there are no constraints and it is designed on dimensions different than the dimensions of the simulator.


Could this be something about the ‘safe area’ and you haven’t got that selected in IB so you’re not placing things in reference to that, and when it runs and the safe area is implemented, you’re stuff gets moved?

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