Debugging TVJS not working in Safari

I just started reading the tvOS Apprentice and I am trying to get the debugging on Safari to work. Under Simulator in the Developer menu in Safari, it says “No Inspectable Applications”. Is there a missing step?

I read in other places on the web that you should enter a terminal command like this:

defaults write WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

I tried this but it didn’t seem to help.

I’d appreciate any help. Thanks!

Well I restarted everything and that seemed to help. Is it kind of flakey?

Hey snackdog,

You’re correct - it is indeed kinda flakey. Although I only came across what you mentioned a couple of times whilst I was writing the book (hence I didn’t mention anything about it).

Hopefully now that you’ve got it going, you’ll be OK from now on…
