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i have a problem. I need a help
after your videoo i have this error
/Users/prokofevamk/Desktop/Bullseye/Bullseye.xcodeproj One of the paths in DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS does not exist: /Users/prokofevamk/Desktop/Bullseye/Bullseye/Preview Content\

2021-09-27 18.28.05

In xcode 14, info.plist doesn’t created when project made

I’ve been programming computers for 40 years… you are a very gifted, world class teacher. Explaining not only fundamental coding but also modeling ideas and development ideas. I am really enjoying your class. I would like to continue any classes that you yourself instruct. How do I find this? I’m training my 10 year old grandson. Thanks. Bob

seems they dont respond now
have same problem with xcode no plist file


mine says shared in the file name also shows folder macos
wonder why ?

In Xcode13, the Info.plist has been removed. You can go to “Project > Target > Info” and set the settings there Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 2.54.36 PM

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Not 14, I was mistaken. It’s 13.