Core plot how to display horizontal bar charts

Using swift and core plot, does anyone know how I can draw bar charts that display the y-axis data horizontally rather than vertically?


@jamescal. Thanks very much for your question! Hmmmmm, my suggestion is to go through the following tutorial:, and if you’re still unable to find the solution, come back here, and perhaps we can flag the author of the tutorial to answer your question!

I hope this helps!

All the best!


I work with the same issue. I am sharing my code blocks below. I do not refactor yet.

//  ViewController.swift

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    var frameWidth = 0
    var onePart = 0.0
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        frameWidth = (Int(self.view.frame.width) - 100)
        onePart = Double(frameWidth) / Double(100)
        NSLog("frame Width %i  One Part %d", frameWidth,onePart)
        drawlines(lineNumber:1, percent:30, linename:"Bar1")
        drawlines(lineNumber:2, percent:85, linename:"Bar2")
        drawlines(lineNumber:3, percent:49, linename:"Bar3")
        drawlines(lineNumber:4, percent:100, linename:"Bar4")

    func drawlines (lineNumber num:Int , percent val:Double, linename name:String){
        let startpoint=50
        let distance=80
        let start = CGPoint(x:20,y:Int(num*distance)+startpoint)
        let end = CGPoint(x:Int(val*onePart)+20,y:Int(num*distance)+startpoint)
        //first label settings
        let lbl = UILabel()
        lbl.frame = CGRect(x: start.x, y: start.y - 25, width: 55, height: 15)
        lbl.font = lbl.font.withSize(15)
        lbl.text = name
        //red part of line
        drawLine(startpoint: start, endpint: end,linecolor:,linewidth:11.0, textValue: String(val))
        //gray part of line
        let nextpt = Int(Double(100 - val)*onePart) + Int(val*onePart)
        let nstart = CGPoint(x:Int(val*onePart)+20,y:Int(num*distance)+startpoint)
         let nend = CGPoint(x:Int(nextpt)+20,y:Int(num*distance)+startpoint)
        drawLine(startpoint: nstart, endpint: nend, linecolor: UIColor.gray.cgColor,linewidth:11.0, textValue: String(val))

        //value label
        let lbl2 = UILabel()
        lbl2.frame = CGRect(x: nend.x + 15, y: start.y - 10, width: 90, height: 20)
        lbl2.font = lbl2.font.withSize(15)
        lbl2.text = String(format: "%.0f %%", val)
    // Main DrawLine Method
    func drawLine(startpoint start:CGPoint, endpint end:CGPoint, linecolor color: CGColor , linewidth widthline:CGFloat, textValue: String){

        let path = UIBezierPath()
        path.move(to: start)
        path.addLine(to: end)
        let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
        shapeLayer.path = path.cgPath
        shapeLayer.strokeColor = color
        shapeLayer.lineWidth = widthline
