Codable is Swift only. Should I be worried about using Objective-C?

Codable class introduced by Apple is available for Swift only. There is no Objective-C counterpart. Should I be worried about using Objective-C if Apple adds Swift only classes?

My main reason to use Objective-C for a project I am working on is because of the ability to instantiate a class from string name and call methods using selector strings.

Is there something of this sort in Swift to dynamically instantiate and call methods? For example I should be able to call any library written in Swift from their string names without having to write extensions or something similar, which Objective-C makes it trivial.

Hi @kadaj123, I don’t believe you have to be too worried about Obj-C. Many developers still use it and it still has many resources if you are stuck on something. I simply think that Apple is making more of an effort to support Swift because it is what a newer and still very young language that is constantly evolving.

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