Chapter 8: Helper Functions for PUT, POST, DELETE

First, GREAT book so far – really looking forward to the full version. And of course, one big question:

In Chapter 8, you show how to use a helper function for a CREATE route, and mention these exist for PUT, POST, and DELETE as well. Trying to implement this for my updatHandler, I find the method update(on:, originalID:).

Trying my hand at doing this for PUT, I create a handler method…

	func updateHandler(_ req: Request, acronym: Acronym) throws -> Future<Acronym> {
		guard let acronymID = try? req.parameter(Int.self) else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
		return acronym.update(on: req, originalID: acronymID)

…which builds successfully, but I’m stuck on how to add it to boot(…). Obviously, the key difference with these 3 methods vs POST is that we also need to get the incoming ID parameter in our route. I tried several variants of things like:

	acronymsRoutes.put(Acronym.self, Int.parameter, use: updateHandler)`
	acronymsRoutes.put(Acronym.self, Acronym.parameter, use: updateHandler)`
   // lots more failed tries

The book states that we can add any needed path components before the use: parameter, but as soon as I try to add one, like above, Xcode throws an error “Argument type… does not conform to… DynamicPathComponentRepresentable”.

My best guess is would be that I most likely need to conform Acronym to DynamicPathComponentRepresentable implement makeDynamicPathComponents() per But this doesn’t seem to square with the fact that we successfully use Acronym.self elsewhere.

Can you point me in the right direction here?

@brian_bee the register line should probably be acronymsRoutes.put(Acronym.self, at: Acronym.parameter, use: updateHandler)

Fantastic! Thanks Tim :slight_smile:

I ended up with a lightly modified version of your suggestion for the route registration:

	acronymsRoutes.put(Acronym.self, at: Int.parameter, use: updateHandler)`

And then found that update(on: originalID:) still barked even when I supplied the originalID (I likely am misunderstanding the intent of the method). Happily, simply assigning the id to the acronym and using the simpler update(on:) does the trick quite nicely:

	func updateHandler(_ req: Request, acronym: Acronym) throws -> Future<Acronym> {
		guard let acronymID = try? req.parameter(Int.self) else { throw Abort(.badRequest) } = acronymID
		return acronym.update(on: req)

Thanks again :smile: