Chapter 43 - Polish the Pop-Up

I’m confused as to how the addKeyFrame() arguments withRelativeStartTime and relativeDuration work?

I keep playing around with the values and the animation still seems to behave the same. What I found interesting too is that if we set the values all to 0 the detail pop up bounce effect still behaves the exact same way as you set it in the book.

Could you help me better understand how the timing of these values work?

@ganem Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

The entire length of the animation is defined in the method transitionDuration, which is set to 0.4 seconds. If you change that to 2 seconds, for example, you would start noticing a difference.
When you change the value of the addKeyFrame parameters, you only choose the percentage within the 0.4 seconds, so you’re not seeing any difference because it too fast :slight_smile:

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