Chapter 4 - Drag to create new window issue

Hi, I just started this book, I’m finding the topics really useful, so thank you.

I also had the problems mentioned with drag and drop in chapter 3 by other people but managed to fix them using the code provided in that forum thread. I also had a problem where I was following from the project starting in chapter 1, but by chapter 4 the base app seemed to be completely different, using ‘Data Service’ instead of an array of entries, meaning I couldn’t progress past page 67. I eventually managed to fix the drag and drop in the chapter 4 starter project using the forum fix, however I think someone should update the chapter 1 starter project to include ‘Data Service’ because it was super confusing. I have just come from iOS apprentice and not knowing what ‘DiffableDataSource’ is probably didn’t help.

Now I’ve just finished chapter 4, and the drag from entry to create new window behaviour starting page 73 doesn’t work even though I copied the code exactly (I can create new widows by dragging from the iPad taskbar; the code up until page 73). The console doesn’t print any errors so I’m not sure what went wrong. cmd + n when building for mac does open a new window, so I’m not sure why it isn’t opening on the iPad using the drag from entry. Does anyone know what’s going on?

I look forward to finishing the rest of the book, I really appreciate the tutorials being aimed at making Mac apps. There seem to be very few good tutorials online for this, the only other I found was ‘Hacking with macOS’ by ‘Hacking with swift’, which is also a good course. Do you guys at Ray Wenderlich plan on adding more tutorials for AppKit anytime soon? I guess it depends on what happens with catalyst at WWDC2020.

@nbonatsakis Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]