Chapter 18 the enemy wave script

I Currently have a problem with the enemy wave script and it’s Serializable nature

using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class EnemyWave : MonoBehaviour{
public int pathIndex;

public float startSpawnTimeInSeconds;

public float timeBetweenSpawnsInSeconds = 1f;

public List<GameObject> listOfEnemies = new List<GameObject>();

in order for serializable to be recognized by Visual studio I had to add “using system” to my code which is fine but the book shows that it’s not a requirement.

However, while following along in the book and finishing up the wave manager I went to expand element 0 but I only saw a empty space waiting for an object with the enemy wave script attached. Ultimately I can just create an empty object and set the variables in it and place the object in the empty slot.

But, since that’s not how the book details the situation I wanna know what I need to do to make unity preform the way the book says it should act

Below is a image of the Wave manager’s current behavior

here is my current code for the wave manager

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class WaveMAnager : MonoBehaviour {

public static WaveMAnager Instance;
public List<EnemyWave> enemyWaves = new List<EnemyWave>();

private float elapsedTime = 0f;
private EnemyWave activeWave;
private float spawnCounter = 0f;
private List<EnemyWave> activatedWaves = new List<EnemyWave>();

void Awake()
    Instance = this;  

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;

private void SearchForWave()
    foreach(EnemyWave enemyWave in enemyWaves)
        if (!activatedWaves.Contains(enemyWave) && enemyWave.startSpawnTimeInSeconds <= elapsedTime)
            activeWave = enemyWave;
            spawnCounter = 0f;

private void UpdateActiveWave()
    if (activeWave != null)
        spawnCounter += Time.deltaTime;

        if(spawnCounter >= activeWave.timeBetweenSpawnsInSeconds)
            spawnCounter = 0f;
            if (activeWave.listOfEnemies.Count != 0)
                GameObject enemy = (GameObject)Instantiate(activeWave.listOfEnemies[0], WaypointManager.Instance.GetSpawnPosition(activeWave.pathIndex), Quaternion.identity);
                enemy.GetComponent<Enemy>().pathIndex = activeWave.pathIndex;
                activeWave = null;
                if(activatedWaves.Count == enemyWaves.Count)

public void StopSpawning()
    elapsedTime = 0;
    spawnCounter = 0;
    activeWave = null;
    enabled = false;



That’s really strange behavior, it should show the fields in the list. The code also looks correct on first glance.
Could you try opening the final project and see if you get the same behavior there too?



the final project work exactly as intended and looking the code over i realize the issue now.
When the script uses “MonoBehavior” unity thinks it’s supposed to be expecting a game object instead of being able to serialize an object straight from a script.
i didn’t look hard enough at the class declaration in my first look over but now i got it.

Glad you figured it out! :smile:
