Chapter 10 missing flow

Hello Team,

Great work and I hope you are doing well, in chapter 10 of the second edition as I was following along on page 186 as @subha sen takes as through the code we are supposed to add to QuestionActivity.kt every part of the code that contains the method, binding is given as an error yet I had been following fluidly.

Anybody come across the same issue or solved it, kindly help

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No idea about it. But I would like to learn more. Thank you so much!

Can you please check if the method you’ve added is inside the QuestionActivity class?

binding is a private member variable inside the class and won’t not be accessible outside the class. You can refer to the declaration of binding in the starter project at sda-materials/QuestionActivity.kt at b1cffc15cfa8b1f3d60139cd30d040975ff09c70 · raywenderlich/sda-materials · GitHub and the initialization at sda-materials/QuestionActivity.kt at b1cffc15cfa8b1f3d60139cd30d040975ff09c70 · raywenderlich/sda-materials · GitHub

If this doesn’t resolve your issue can you please share the code you’ve written for QuestonActivity