Ch 19 - Unity 2017.3.0f3 Issue

So, when getting to the section about fixing the fire particles (pg 549 - 550), there is an issue in 2017.3.0f3. I don’t know if it was in 2017.2 or not. In 2017.3, you cannot fix the AutoScaler. Unity has the entire section grayed out if you try to fix it in the Prefab. What I had to do was drag the particles into the scene, then I was able to fix the AutoScaler by choosing the proper script. Additionally, the scale speed was not maintained. I had to go to the finished project to find it’s value (40 for those interested). I then had to apply the changes to the prefab and delete the particles from the scene. After I did all that, everything worked correctly.

@smeep2099 Thank you for sharing the solution - much appreciated!