CH 15 Google Places

I’m trying to get through this tutorial however I believe that the use of the Places API has drastically changed?

According to Google it seems you don’t create a Google API Client anymore?

Further, the property Places.GEO_DATA_API doesn’t seem to exist.

Can someone point me to the correct implementation for the Places API with an updated version of this?

Hi @liltimtim - Places API has indeed changed. We’ve done a second edition of the book that is coming out in a few weeks where all of this is corrected! Stay tuned for that. If you purchased the digital edition, you get the 2nd edition included!


@ericwastaken that sounds awesome!!! thanks for the reply. And yes, I did purchase the digital version and I think it is amazing you guys give us free updates to the book. That speaks volumes of Ray Wenderlich as a company!

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Hi, I have bought the paper version so I do not have access to updated version, but I think updated source code could help enough. Problem is that I see only code for the 1st edition on the page with source code. Please do you have any ETA for the 2nd edition source code?


My sincerest apology. I assumed the 2nd Ed source was already on there. I see that it is not.

I’m escalating with the editorial team to see why that’s not up already.



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Hi, @martin.kubik - Please email me at @ and I’ll get you the Source Code .zip in the meantime. We’re working to get it up on the store. Thank you for reaching out.

Managing Editor

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Hey @martin.kubik!

Very sorry for the issue; you should be now able to download the source code for the book here:

Thanks again! I hope you enjoy the book!

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Dear @ericwastaken , @mandafrederick and Chris (sorry, as a new user I can mention directly only 2 persons),

Wow! I really appreciate your super prompt resolution! I posted it on Friday evening and you resolved it within few hours. I even didn’t have time to ask Manda for source code via email as she kindly offered :smiley: because Chris uploaded it immediately to the default location.

I have downloaded all I needed and with the updated source code I managed to finish the 15th chapter successfully.

Thank you all! With a such amazing support, I’m happy to purchase more your books! :books:

Kind regards,