Certificate not signed during application submission to appstore

Hi then I have to send an application on AppStore, but when I create the archive and click on Upload to AppStore I have the following error:

Error ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle ‘com…’ at bundle path ‘Payload/myapp.app’ is not signed using an Apple submission certificate. An unknown errror occured.

I have both the distribution certificate and the developer certificate inside my mac. Even if xcode gives me this warning message when I create the archive:

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer

How can I correct these?

Hi @rikideveloper,
the first thing that I would do is log into the Apple Developers account and see if there are any agreements that need to be accepted.

Are you letting Xcode manage the signing? If yes then step #1 should most probably resolve your issue.

If not, then you might want to check on the validity of the certificate.



Hi first of all thanks for reply, then i have checked the agreements and they are correct! Have you any idea?

Hi @rikideveloper,
sorry for the late response, it is difficult to debug blind without any details.



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