Cant able to add simulator 11.0/11.1/11.2 for Xcode Version 9.2(9C40b)

cant able to add simulator for iPhone 8 plus with
iOS version 11.1/11.2 for Xcode Version 9.2(9C40b)
thank you for advance

Hi @apadala, could you tell us what you’ve tried to do to solve this? That way we can have a better understanding of how to help. Is the iPhone 8+ simulator missing?

hi @apadala,
under Xcode > Preferences, go to the Components tab and there under simulators download the ones you want.



This appears to be a bug in Xcode 9. There is a lot of discussion about it on StackOverflow. Apparently the program is missing certain permissions it needs to be able to communicate with Apple’s download servers so no simulators show up in the Download preferences pane.

The Simulators do appear to be there however. You can access them directly from the Xcode → Open Developer Tool → Simulator menu command. One in the Simulator, you can choose the OS version and device from the Hardware → Device menu.

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