Beginning Table Views ยท Moving Rows | Ray Wenderlich

Hello, I downloaded materials for this lesson, this is your code and project gif with the issue, and it is having the same issue that @ruipasilvsa and @saranyamohan having.

found the solution, implement this in checklistViewController

override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any ?) โ†’ Bool {

tableView.isEditing ? false : true



Thanks Shum89, it fixes the undesired behaviour.
(Just remove the space between Any and ?) ^^

Faced the same issue where the item would be automatically enter edit mode even when moved.

override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any ?) -> Bool { 
tableView.isEditing ? false : true

This code solved the issue!

@shum89 @akashlal Thank you for sharing the solution - much appreciated! :]