Beginner Learning Path Author Notes Missing

I am a new to Ray Wenderlich, and I am having trouble finding the author’s notes to various videos.

Frequently the “Author’s notes” are referenced in videos but I’ve watched probably 50+ videos and there are always 3 sections listed below the video

  1. Resources and updates
  2. About this episode

None of which look like the described Author’s episodes.

Perhaps this is only the case for Beginner Learning paths?
Maybe I am just missing something, here is an example


Hi and welcome to the forum community @johnjeang! I’m not 100% sure on this but I think not all videos will have author’s notes. I wasn’t able to find a video with them. I checked out the link you provided and like you mentioned it did only have the three sections. If I can find an answer to this, will let you know here.


Hi @johnjeang! Sorry about the confusion here. We recently did a design change to our site, where we renamed a section called “Authors notes” to “Resources and updates”.

So whenever we say “Authors notes” in the video, that refers to the “Resources and updates” section. I hope that helps!

The learning path starts from why you should learn Python and goes on to provide the resource you need to become a Python machine learning expert.

Wendys Survey

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