App Update With Xcode:iTunes Store operation failed

I’m trying to send the update of my app but I do not know why, when I click Upload to App Store, The XCode organizer tells me:

“Itunes Store operation failed. This action could not be completed. Try again.”

sometimes, though not often, it also happens for the simple validation.

Have you also had the problem? how you solved it?

I saw on the internet and there is talk about of a XCode bug. but it is indeed the case?

Thank you

Did you try deleting the existing upload?

i didn’t try to do it. i’ve try to reboot my router and problem come ones again but i’ve retry and I managed to send the update. i didn’t understand why of this. my internet connection? boh.

the time I was able to send the update and this is enough for me.

thanks for answer

Hello rufy . Hope you are doing well .

Where you are trying to upload the app TestFlight or Directly to store . and more over just check with the certificates updated or not . because i hope u have been updated Xcode and forgot to update the certificates related to app .