Announcing Server-Side Swift with Vapor — Fully Updated for Vapor 4! |

We’re beyond excited to announce that our book, Server-Side Swift with Vapor, has been fully updated for Vapor 4 — and includes a completely new chapter!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m excited to see this book updated for Vapor 4. I have a question: I bought the version of the book for Vapor 3. Does that make me eligible also for this one?

Yes! Since you purchased the digital edition of the book, you can head to the main page for the book and read the new version online, or you can download the Vapor 4 version using the “Access other versions and formats” link on that page:

Hello, is there any chance a future edition of the Vapor 4 book will use async/await instead of the EventLoopFuture class and methods? Beyond the principle (very well explained in chapter 4), the code (.flatMap, .transform, .flatten .and etc.) gets pretty quickly much too complicated, cumbersome and hard to decipher. It seems to me that using async/await would make the book much more clear and therefore more useful…

If a new edition is not possible, could we at least have the corresponding source code with async/await? I have tried to translate the code, but the translation is not trivial…


I’m on Chapter 12 (Creating a Simple iPhone App, Part 1) of Server-side Swift with Vapor version 3.0 and have run into a bit of trouble.
When I try “swift run”, I get:

error: terminated(1): /usr/bin/xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-platform-path output:
xcrun: error: unable to lookup item ‘PlatformPath’ from command line tools installation
xcrun: error: unable to lookup item ‘PlatformPath’ in SDK ‘/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk’

For context, I’m running xcode version 14.3, and “swift --version” gives me:
Apple Swift version 5.8.1 (swiftlang- clang-1403.
Target: arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0


It’s now nearly August 2023.
I still have the Second Addition for iOS 4.2…
Any movement with Vapor?