Announcing our Deprecated Books Repo! |

We’re excited to announce that we’ve made our older, deprecated books free to everyone. Come see which books we’re releasing for all to enjoy!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hey, that’s awesome! Have you considered putting up the latest Obj-C versions of the books up for download as well (as opposed to only the most recent Swift version of the book)? Would be very helpful for dealing with legacy Obj-C codebases.

Also, I’m a little bit sad to see that the Obj-C tutorial archive seems to have disappeared from the web site. Having to retrieve those through is a real pain.

Hey, which books in particular were you interested in for the Obj-C versions?

I was looking for “iOS Games by Tutorials” and “iOS7 by Tutorials” specifically.

I believe books like “3D Apple Games by Tutorials”, “ARKit by Tutorials”, and the newer ones of the “iOS x by Tutorials” series are simply too new for an Obj-C version to have ever existed in the first place, right?

I’ll see if we can dig those up! Anything published after 2014 would be in Swift instead of Obj-C.