Ai & ml experts singapore

who r the best AI and ML experts in singapore?

Hi @elianawilson, thank you for sharing your question here. :smile: I do not know the answer but I think a great place to search for experts on those topics specifically in Singapore would be to search on Twitter or Google. Twitter because some people might put AI or ML on their bio so if you search under the “People” tab you might see results. Then from there I would see who they’re following and go from there. As for Google, using keywords again might produce results related to articles one may have published that fit what you are looking for. Hope this tips help!


(post deleted by author)

@elianawilson this is a forum not for promoting a company and especially not in the manner that you are employing. This is a forum for readers of this site to ask genuine questions.

haha I read all those posts in awe and admiring your patience @jayantvarma :smiley:

@altay ,

The first step is to let the person know that they are wrong.
I guess I have been managing devs/people for a very long time and maybe this is the outcome of that.

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