2D iOS games by tutorials update

I have the previous version of the book, what did not have the tvOS part.
Do you plan to update this book?
Actually, it is the iOS part of the 2D iOS & tvOS Games by Tutorials, so I don’t think it would be difficult to update it.

Thanks in advance

2D iOS & tvOS Games by Tutorials always had a tvOS part.

Are you referring to the older book, iOS Games by Tutorials? That book was replaced because it didn’t cover a lot of material, including GameplayKit, which constituted significantly more than an update; however, purchasers of that book were offered a significant discount on 2D iOS & tvOS Games because of the shared material. There are no plans to update the older book.

Thanks. I think it’s worth buying new version.
Let’s go!

As flemon101, I bought iOS games by tutorials and now I would like to get the updated 2D iOS & tvOS Games by Tutorials book. How is it possible to get the discount you mentioned?